Friday, March 15, 2019

The Old Smith Place

Daniel and Polly Smith were the very first to deed our little piece of paradise from the United States government, back before Wisconsin was even a state. 

We are frequently asked, "Why The Old Smith Place?" when the topic of our farm name is raised; especially by family members (We are the third generation of Andersons to inhabit). I suppose we could've called it The Old Ehlert Place but nobody around here called it that to our knowledge. Dane's grandfather Mervin Anderson grew up next door to this place and as a kid watched Fred Ehlert and his family farm all these acres and more.  When Fred's family put it up for sale after the passing of his wife Annie, Mervin wasted no time in making his offer and was awarded the Warranty Deed on March 16th of 1946. Although there is no record of a mortgage attached to the property, Dane said his grandpa paid for it in two years time raising pigs up in the woods on the north side of the farm.  He must have been so proud! I'll bet he was equally as proud when his son Delmar bought the place from him in 1971 for the grand sum of $28,000.

Dane has many happy (and some not so happy) memories of time spent here on weekends and holidays with his brother Scott, his dad, his uncles, his grandparents and his bonus brother and sisters after his dad remarried. At one time they had the run of over 600 odd acres on which to hunt and fish and work and just do what boys do. I don't think Dane ever really thought he'd be back here farming the place as an adult. He met his first wife Melva in Janesville while she was still in school, they lived and worked and raised two wonderful boys together and after that battled cancer together until her passing. When I met Dane some years later and learned he was the husband of only one wife for nearly 30 years you'd better believe I paid attention. That seems to be so rare in this day and age. In many ways, I inherited a whole family when I married Dane, the product of his upbringing and his marriage to Melva. Though we never met, as the years go by, I feel closer and closer to her the more I get to know Dane and his boys and my dear daughter-in-law Margaret.

Despite the nearly 75 years of Anderson history on this place (probably well over a hundred if you include adjoining properties!) we never really found a way, or felt right about weaving Anderson into our farm name. As we walk these acres we often feel the presence of the many who have gone before, and not just those recorded on paper or those whose stories that have been passed along to us. Nearly every season we dig up something that causes us to wonder, to reflect... And sometimes, it's just a feeling in the air.

When we stumbled across the abstract to the place in a box of papers, it just seemed right. The Old Smith Place. It fit. It was a specific part of the place's history, and yet generic enough (Smith) to be somehow honoring to all that had gone before.

Thanks for listening to a bit of our farm history. My farm neighbor and friend Carissa challenged me recently to the 10 day farm photo challenge. It seemed a fitting reason to fire up the old blog which I've been meaning to do for quite some time. Perhaps by the 10th entry I will have formed a new healthy (for me) habit!  Here's to trying...

Sunday, February 24, 2019


Sometimes when I return from a trip I come home to sweet cuddly kitties who I can tell really missed me. And sometimes I  get this: stony-eyed looks from across the room, and a husband whose been nursing a bad tooth until it became an emergency, and all the work that's been piling up since I left, and a hilly farm that's a treacherous sheet of ice day after day after day...

They say the best part of going away is the coming home and normally I am 100% in agreement. I got away for a couple of days to attend the MOSES Organic Farming Conference, the largest gathering of organic farmers in the nation, for my very first time. Although it is difficult to get away from the farm I had two really great reasons to go this year.

First of all, two of my friends and I have been working on a SARE grant this year to determine the need for additional meat processing and an MSU (Mobile Slaughter Unit) in our area of Southern Wisconsin. April Prusia of Dorothy's Range spearheads our venture and Bethany Emond Storm of @thelittleredhome.stead (on Instagram) and I pitched in to help with surveying the folks in our farmhood and the many other administrative tasks and research necessary to determine that yes, we are indeed in need in this area. We were all able to attend MOSES this year to present our findings and talk about next steps with other like minded "Women in Meat" from around the country hosted by Lisa Kivirist of Inn Serendipity wearing her In Her Boots hat. Pretty heady stuff for a beginning farmer such as myself! To enter into the conversation you can go to our Facebook Page or  if you raise meat and want your voice to really count take the online survey and express your needs. Use your outside voice!

My second reason for wanting to attend MOSES was to find out about finally jumping in and going for organic certification on our farm.  Although we have been learning about and using organic practices since we began our farming journey in 2012 it hadn't seemed worth the effort, until now.
Until growing hemp was legalized nationwide by the passage of the 2018 Farm Bill. Until my friends FL Morris of Grassroots Farm and Steve Acheson did the amazing and crazy hard work of forming The South Central Wisconsin Hemp Cooperative so that many of us small farmers can cooperatively produce Organic Hemp. WOW!!! I am so very proud of them and the rest of their team.
For some excellent words on why Steve is so passionate about this, click here  Visit their websites, enter into the conversation and by all means join the Coop, it's not just for producers!

So, moving on to coming home...  Can we just be done with this winter? I gotta say it's really starting to get to me. Usually coming home after being away is just amazing, the icing on the cake. It makes me sing with gratitude and reminds me why I go away to do the work, to do the learning, to practice advocacy. It grounds me, helps me to release the breath I didn't even know I was holding... I am an introvert you see, somewhat of an empath, going away takes major effort and sacrifice for me. It's worth it though, time is short you see, and there are still so many things to be done.  This girl though really is in need of some serious R&R, not gonna lie.   Maybe next month!